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On-board WiFi



Know your passengers. Who are they? What are they like? How old are they? What do they like to do?

On-board WiFi

Content filtering

WiFi communications established from each bus go through Datik's central servers, where all traffic searching for prohibited websites is analysed. If a passenger tries to connect to these websites, the platform blocks the connection and displays a warning.

Websites in different categories may be blocked - sex, arms, drugs, religious extremism etc.

Know your passengers

Who are they? What are they like? How old are they? What do they like to do?

The on-board WiFi service requires the passenger to enter data before the WiFi connection can be started. These data will enable the marketing team to adapt deals, schedules, vehicle attributes to achieve higher sales.

On-board WiFi

Remotely manageable service

Datik's on-board Wi-Fi service enables the fleet operator to set the system's main parameters centrally and remotely. This avoids the need to move to each of the vehicles to set the new configuration.

Change of the name of the WiFi network (SSID), access password or speed limitation can be remotely managed from the management tool.

Monetize your investment

The objective of each MB made available to passengers is to obtain profitability. Marketing brings revenues, while controlling data consumption helps contain costs.

The total consumption of each SIM card is monitored in real time. So, you can adjust the contracted tariff to the service you want to offer.

Controlling each user's bandwidth means that they can navigate smoothly by limiting access to multimedia content.

Human-machine interface Integrated 7 "screen--
HDMI output Yes--
Audio output ---
Video and audio ---
Removable storage ---
Positioning Integrated GPS sensor--
USB 2--
Mobile connectivity (optional) 3G / 4G--
GSM voice connectivity ---
More connectivity EthernetWiFi 802.11b/g--
Other ports 1 x RS2321 x RS4852 x CAN--
Dimensions 175x104x33--
Weight 0.28kg--
Power supply 9-32VDC--
Consumed power 1500mA @ 24V--
Operating temperature 0°C - 60°C--

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